Radicale Kunstspeeltuin

Radicale Kunstspeeltuin

The assignment is develop with your team of RV, MV and SD students a concept for a playful immersive space.

For this, you will design an interactive installation with a mapped projection inspired by the work of the Dutch artist of your choice. The installation is spacious and immersive, interactive, contemporary and exciting but safe. All the spaces together form an art playground.


For the user input, I chose an Arduino because you have a lot of choice to come up with and make.

Something like I was first hesitating between using a light or laser sensor but then I thought to myself several people have chosen to work with a PIR sensor which is actually the light sensor. So then as a group we decided to do a magnet sensor that works on a magnet and we thought that would be a nice idea to do and besides that it fitted in very well with our idea that we had to make.


For the user output, I use magnet sensors that I used as a Software Developer (SD) to make the LED light on at the right demand. The magnet sensor works if you hold a magnet near it. Because if you take the magnet away from the magnet sensor then the led light goes off we added this. in the following way.

You have a total of 3 questions and each answer consists of 3 flowers and you have to take the right flower and put it in the crown. Because if you take the right flower there is a magnet at the bottom but it is very well hidden by the Spatial Designers (RV) so you don't know which one has a magnet. In the crown there are 3 magnetic sensors and if you take the right flower that has the magnet and tap it in the crown then a light comes on and if you tap the wrong one that doesn't have a magnet then the light stays off.